Saturday, November, 2 was our annual trail work day. We want to extend a huge thanks to Trails2000 for providing us with tools and two great crew chiefs, Eric and Steve. The participants were really able to see for themselves the difference that land designation makes to what we are able to do. Back in September, we had heavy machinery in working on trails that are on private property, and so we were able to smooth and level out those trails very easily.
For the trail work day, our biggest goal was to level out the trail that goes from the bottom of Deadman's hill down to Boyce Lake. This trail is on Forest Service land and we do not have permission to take heavy machinery out there, so we set to with our shovels and pickaxes to smooth and level out the trail. It was a lot of hard manual labor, but with a big crew of people, you can get a lot done and so the trail is in far better shape now than it was before. Thanks so much to all who took part.